Wells with a live ISP that carries clones from two or more templates.
Low Quality
Loaded wells with a low or unrecognizable signal.
Adapter Dimer
Loaded wells with a library template of an insert size less than 8 bases.
Loading Density
A visual representation of chip loading. Red color indicates areas of higher density of
loading. Blue color indicates areas of lower density of loading. The following example
illustrates a sequencing experiment where two lanes on the chip are uniformly loaded
with ISPs.
Run Samples
The Run Samples table lists read data for each individual sample in the assay.
Sample Name
The unique identifier created when the sample was entered in the software.
Nucleic Acid Type
The sample nucleic acid type, such as DNA, RNA, or TNA.
The unique identifiers of the dual barcode pair assigned to the DNA and/or RNA library
for a sample.
Total Reads
The total number of filtered and trimmed reads with the listed dual barcodes assigned
to the sample. The reads are independent of length reported in the output BAM file.
Mean Read Length
The average length, in base pairs, of usable library reads for each sample.
≥Q20 Bases
The total number of called bases that have ≥99% accuracy (or less than 1% error rate)
aligned to the reference for the sample.
The percentage of bases in all targeted regions (or whole genome) with a depth of
coverage ≥20% of the mean read coverage.
Read Length Histogram
A histogram that presents all filtered and trimmed library reads that are reported in
the output BAM file (Y
axis) and the mean read length in base pairs (X
axis). The shape
of the histogram should closely resemble the library size distribution trace without the
adapter sequences.
Click the Read Length Histogram to zoom in.
Chapter 9
Review data and results
View sequencing results and run metrics
Integrated Sequencer User Guide