Library Batch IDs can contain only alphanumeric characters (0–9, Aa–Zz), full
stop/period (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-). Required fields are indicated with
a red asterisk (*).
Enter the barcodes from the respective kit boxes into the appropriate fields.
Type a unique library name for each DNA and RNA library in the appropriate
• Library names can contain only alphanumeric characters (0–9, Aa–Zz), full
stop/period (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).
• If your assay requires specific controls, they are automatically listed in the
dialog box. These controls each require a unique barcode ID within the
library batch, but do not require library names.
Select the barcode ID of the adapter used to prepare each library. If appropriate,
swap the default barcodes in the dialog box between DNA and RNA by clicking
Each library in a library batch must have a different barcode ID. When preparing
the physical libraries, best practice is to swap barcodes between DNA and RNA
libraries in consecutive sequencing runs to prevent carryover contamination. The
barcodes that are listed in the DNA Barcode or RNA Barcode dropdown list
belong to the barcode set that was selected when the assay was created.
Ensure that the actual barcodes that you used to create the
libraries match the barcodes that you enter in the Prepare Library Batch dialog
Enter the Input Quantity for each library.
Click Save to save your selections, then close the dialog box.
The Libraries screen opens, listing the library batch that you created. Libraries
that are prepared in the same batch have the same Library Batch ID.
Chapter 4
Enter samples and libraries
Prepare or import a library batch
Integrated Sequencer User Guide