64 95 142 D3632
02 03.2016
13 Unit adjustment and calibration
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
13.2 Adjustment and calibration via the calibration menu
Installation Manual ORTHOPHOS SL
3. Fit the adjusting caps (A+B) to the ear plugs and secure them with
adhesive tape.
Black adjusting cap: on the outside (sensor side)
Transparent adjusting cap (B): on the inside (tube assembly side)
4. Establish [ → 209] receptivity.
5. Create an exposure (80 kV / 14 mA; 14.9 s) [ → 209].
The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
The lead balls in the adjusting caps appear as dots on the image.
The two dots must be coincident.
If the two dots are not coincident,
adjust the earplug alignment as
described in the section “Adjusting the ear plug alignment [ → 259]”
and repeat the scan.
7. Continue with the next stage of the adjustment procedure [ → 262].