Glossary: Frequently Used Terms
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 38
Glossary: Frequently Used Terms
Active channel:
Channel belonging to the active trace. The active channel is highligh-
ted in the channel list below the diagram. The active channel is not relevant in remote
control where each channel can contain an active trace.
Active marker:
Marker that can be changed using the settings of the Marker menu
(Delta Mode, Ref. Mkr -> Mkr, Mkr Format). The active marker is also used for the
Marker Functions. It appears in the diagram with an enlarged marker symbol and font
size and with a dot placed in front of the marker line in the info field.
Active menu:
The menu containing the last executed command. If the softkey bar is
displayed (Display - Config./View - Softkey Labels on), then the active menu is indica-
ted on top of the softkey bar.
Active trace (manual control):
Trace that is selected to apply the settings in the
Trace menu. The active trace is highlighted in the trace list of the active diagram area.
It can be different from the active trace in remote control.
Active trace (remote control):
One trace of each channel that has been selected as
the active trace (
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SELect <trace name>
). Many
commands (e.g.
) act on the active trace. It can be different from the active
trace in manual control.
Cal pool:
The cal pool is a collection of correction data sets (cal groups) that the ana-
lyzer stores in a common directory. Cal groups in the pool can be applied to different
channels and recall sets.
The process of removing systematic errors from the measurement (sys-
tem error correction). See also TOSM, TOM, TRM, TRL, TNA...
Calibration kit:
Set of physical calibration standards for a particular connector family.
Calibration standard:
Physical device that has a known or predictable magnitude and
phase response within a given frequency range. Calibration standards are grouped into
several types (open, through, match,...) corresponding to the different input quantities
for the analyzer's error models.
Calibration unit:
Integrated solution for automatic calibration of multiple ports (acces-
sories R&S
ZV-Zxx, R&S
ZN-Z5x and R&S
ZN-Z15x). The unit contains calibration
standards that are electronically switched when a calibration is performed.
A channel contains hardware-related settings to specify how the network
analyzer collects data. Each channel is stored in an independent data set. The channel