Concepts and Features
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 38
4.2 Screen Elements
This section describes manual operation of the analyzer, including trace settings,
markers and diagrams. For a description of the different quantities measured by the
instrument refer to
Chapter 4.3, "Measurement Results"
4.2.1 Display Elements of a Diagram
The central part of the screen is occupied by one or more diagrams.
A diagram is simply a rectangular portion of the screen used to display traces. Dia-
grams are independent of trace and channel settings. A diagram can contain a practi-
cally unlimited number of traces which may be assigned to different channels.
Most diagram settings are arranged in the "Display" softtool (hardkey SYSTEM –
DISPLAY). To assign traces and channels to diagrams, use the control elements on
the Trace Config > "Traces" and Channel Config > "Channels" softtool tabs (hardkeys
Diagrams may contain:
A title (optional)
The diagram number (or label)
Measurement results, in particular traces and marker values (optional)
An indication of the basic channel and trace settings
Context menus providing settings which are related to a particular display element
Error messages
The examples in this section have been taken from Cartesian diagrams. All other dia-
gram types provide the same display elements.
Screen Elements