6. Command Reference of RPCM CLI
The return is:
RPCM Commands description:
set output 0-9 overcurrent turn off limit - tune overcurrent turn off
amps 0.000-10.000 set limit in amps
milliamps 0-10000 set limit in milliamps
seconds 0-65535 set turn off confirmation
delay in seconds
set output 0-9 overcurrent turn off help - show this help
Example 1.
Setting turn off outlet limit to 9.5A for outlet 9.
set output 9 overcurrent turn off limit amps 9.50
The return is:
New overcurrent turn off limit for output 9 is 9.5 amps (was 10.0 amps)
Example 2.
Setting the delay for turn off to 5 seconds for the outlet
set output 9 overcurrent turn off limit seconds 5
The return is:
New overcurrent turn off limit confirmation delay for output 9 is 5 seconds (was 2 sec-
6.9.6 Command
set output overvoltage
It turn ON overcurrent control and set ann overcurrent top limit.
Help ask:
set output 0 overvoltage ?
The return is:
RPCM Commands description:
set output 0-9 overvoltage turn off - tune overvoltage turn off
set output 0-9 overvoltage help - show this help
Type 'help' to get suggestions
Command set
output overvoltage turn off limit
Help ask:
set output 0 overvoltage turn on ?