4. Description of the RPCM Device
Figure 4.6.38. "Date/Time settings" pop-up windows for adjusting system time and time zone
Note. The time zone has to be selected from a predefined list. To see full list of options you need to clear the field. To sim-
plify selection of a correct time zone, when you start entering letters into the “Device time zone” field, list of options nar-
rows down leaving only options matching the entered value.
When you click on the "Device local date" field, a window opens in calendar format to change the
Figure 4.6.39. Pop-up calendar window for changing the system date.
By clicking on the relevant objects you can change the year, month and date.
To cancel changes, use the
To change the system time, click on the
"Device local time"
field of the "Date/Time settings" pop-
up window (see figure 4.6.37)