Sonar is effective at a range of speeds. In deeper waters the CHIRP
bandwidth is automatically optimized to improve bottom lock and the
detection of moving objects (e.g. fish) in the wider water column.
CHIRP sonar screen example
DownVision™ produces a wide-angle side-to-side beam and a thin fore-to-aft
beam. The coverage of the DownVision™ beam is a water column directly
beneath and to the sides of the vessel.
DownVision™ beam
is effective at lower vessel speeds. In deeper waters the
CHIRP bandwidth is automatically optimized to improve bottom lock and the
detection of moving objects (e.g. fish) in the wider water column.
The wide, thin beam produces clear target returns. The use of CHIRP
processing and a higher operating frequency provide a more detailed image,
making it easier to identify bottom structures around which fish may reside.
DownVision™ screen example