Goto cursor / Goto waypoint
Follow route
The rolling road graphic represents a width of water, equal to the limit
specified in the cross track error (XTE) alarm, on each side of your vessel.
The Cross track error alarm can be configured from the alarms menu:
[Homescreen > Settings > Alarms > Cross-track error:]
During active navigation (performing a
) , navigational data
and steering advise are provided on the page.
Follow the steering advise to correct any course deviation that occurs and
maintain your course to the target destination.
9.4 Customizing existing data pages
The data items displayed on each page can be changed.
1. Select
[Customize page]
from the Dashboard app menu:
[Menu >
Customize page]
2. Select the data item that you want to change.
3. Select
from the data item pop-over menu.
4. Select the new data item that you want to display.
9.5 Data items
The following data items can be displayed in Databoxes.
Where more than 1 data source is available for a data item, based on the
specified Boat details (
[Homescreen > Settings > Boat details]
), then data
items will be available for each data source.