Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Switch
Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Network Switch User Manual Version 0.1
Page: 62/970
Command Mode
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Display Message
System Description: Text used to identify the product name of this switch.
Machine Type: Specifies the machine model as defined by the Vital Product Data.
Machine Model: Specifies the machine model as defined by the Vital Product Data.
Serial Number: The unique box serial number for this switch.
Label Revision Number: The label revision serial number of this switch is used for
manufacturing purposes.
Part Number: Manufacturing part number.
Hardware Version: The hardware version of this switch. It is divided into four parts. The first
byte is the major version and the second byte represents the minor version.
Loader Version: The release version maintenance number of the loader code currently
running on the switch. For example, if the release was 1, the version was 2, and the
maintenance number was 4, the format would be '1.2.4'.
Boot Rom Version: The release version maintenance number of the boot ROM code
currently running on the switch. For example, if the release was 1, the version was 2, and the
maintenance number was 4, the format would be '1.2.4'.
Operating Code Version: The release version maintenance number of the code currently
running on the switch. For example, if the release was 1, the version was 2, and the
maintenance number was 4, the format would be '1.2.4'.
Note:below 10-Giga Interface information depend on plugging daughter’s module and
LB4M model type
When using LB4M model type-hibrid:
Switch 1 Module x, Found 6 Ports Active CX4 10G Daughter Board
Switch 1 10G’s Module x (The xth 10-Giga Module daughter board of switch 1).
Switch 1 Interface = y..................... CX4 (The yth 10-Giga information of switch 1).
Switch 1 Module x, Found 6 Ports SFP Plus 10G Daughter Board
Switch 1 10G’s Module x (The xth 10-Giga Module daughter board of switch 1).
Switch 1 Interface = y...................... SFP+(The yth 10-Giga information of switch 1).
10 Gigabit Ethernet Compliance Codes: Transceiver’s compliance codes.
Vendor Name: The SFP transceiver vendor name shall be the full name of the corporation,
a commonly accepted abbreviation of the name of the corporation, the SCSI company code
for the corporation, or the stock exchange code for the corporation.
Vendor Part Number: Part number provided by SFP transceiver vendor.
Vendor Serial Number: Serial number provided by vendor.
Vendor Revision Number: Revision level for part number provided by vendor.
Vendor Manufacturing Date: The vendor’s manufacturing date.
Switch 1 Module x, Found 4 Ports Active CX4 10G Daughter Board
Switch 1 10G’s Module x (The xth 10-Giga Module daughter board of switch 1).
Switch 1 Interface = y..................... CX4 (The yth 10-Giga information of switch 1).
Switch 1 Module x, Found 4 Ports SFP Plus 10G Daughter Board
Switch 1 10G’s Module x (The xth 10-Giga Module daughter board of switch 1).
Switch 1 Interface = y...................... SFP+(The yth 10-Giga information of switch 1)
10 Gigabit Ethernet Compliance Codes: Transceiver’s compliance codes.
Vendor Name: The SFP transceiver vendor name shall be the full name of the corporation,