Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Switch
Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Network Switch User Manual Version 0.1
Page: 641/970
Method 2 - Use the dropdown menu to select the method, if any, that should appear
second in the selected authentication login list. This is the method that will be used if the
first method times out. If you select a method that does not time out as the second method,
the third method will not be tried. Note that this parameter will not appear when you first
create a new login list.
Method 3 - Use the dropdown menu to select the method, if any, that should appear third
in the selected authentication login list. Note that this parameter will not appear when you
first create a new login list.
Command Buttons
Submit - Sends the updated screen to the switch and causes the changes to take effect
on the switch. These changes will not be retained across a power cycle unless you
perform a save.
Delete - Remove the selected authentication login list from the configuration. The delete
will fail if the selected login list is assigned to any user (including the default user) for
system login or IEEE 802.1x port access control. You can only use this button if you have
Read/Write access. The change will not be retained across a power cycle unless you
perform a save.
Viewing Login Session Page
Non-Configurable Data
ID - Identifies the ID of this row.
User Name - Shows the user name of user who made the session.
Connection From - Shows the IP from which machine the user is connected.
Idle Time - Shows the idle session time.
Session Time - Shows the total session time.
Session Type – Shows the type of session: telnet, serial or SSH.
Command Buttons
Refresh - Update the information on the page.