Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Switch
Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Network Switch User Manual Version 0.1
Page: 958/970 Configuring Multicast Mdebug
Configuring Mrinfo Run Page
Use this screen to initiate an mrinfo command. You can use the mrinfo command to find out
information about neighboring multicast routers. While you initiate the query using this screen,
the results are displayed on the Mrinfo Show screen.
Configurable Data
Router Interface - Enter the IP address of the router interface for which you want to see
the neighbor router information. If you do not enter an address the router will query itself.
Command Buttons
Submit - Initiate the mrinfo command on the router. If the mrinfo command completes
successfully the browser will display the Mrinfo Show screen. If the mrinfo command fails,
you will see the Mrinfo Run screen again.
Viewing Mrinfo Summary Page
This screen displays the results of an mrinfo command.
Non-Configurable Data
Router Interface - The IP address of the router interface for which configuration
information was requested.
Neighboring - The IP address of the neighboring router.
Metric - The routing metric for this router.
TTL - The time-to-live threshold on this hop.
Flags - The flags indicating whether the router is an IGMP querier or whether or not it has