Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Switch
Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Network Switch User Manual Version 0.1
Page: 480/970
show ip rip interface
This command displays information related to a particular RIP interface.
show ip rip interface <slot/port>
< slot/port > - Interface number
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Interface: Valid slot and port number separated by forward slashes. This is a configured
IP Address: The IP source address used by the specified RIP interface. This is a configured
Send version: The RIP version(s) used when sending updates on the specified interface.
The types are none, RIP-1, RIP-1c, and RIP-2. This is a configured value.
Receive version: The RIP version(s) allowed when receiving updates from the specified
interface. The types are none, RIP-1, RIP-2, Both. This is a configured value.
RIP Admin Mode: RIP administrative mode of router RIP operation; enable, disable it. This
is a configured value.
Link State: Indicates whether the RIP interface is up or down. This is a configured value.
Authentication Type: The RIP Authentication Type for the specified interface. The types
are none, simple, and encrypt. This is a configured value.
Authentication Key: 16 alpha-numeric characters for authentication key when uses simple
or encrypt authentication.
Authentication Key ID: It is a Key ID when uses MD5 encryption for RIP authentication.
Default Metric: A number which represents the metric used for default routes in RIP
updates originated on the specified interface. This is a configured value. The following
information will be invalid if the link state is down.
Bad Packets Received: The number of RIP response packets received by the RIP process
which were subsequently discarded for any reason.
Bad Routes Received: The number of routes contained in valid RIP packets that were
ignored for any reason.
Updates Sent: The number of triggered RIP updates actually sent on this interface.