Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Switch
Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Network Switch User Manual Version 0.1
Page: 545/970
ip pimsm cbsrhashmasklength <0 - 32>
no ip pimsm cbsrhashmasklength
<0 - 32> - The CBSR hash mask length.
no - This command is used to reset the CBSR hash mask length for a particular PIM-SM
interface to the default value.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Config ip pimsm crppreference
This command is used to configure the Candidate Rendezvous Point (CRP) for a particular
PIM-SM interface. The valid values are from (-1 to 255), and the value of -1 is used to indicate
that the local interface is not a Candidate RP interface.
The active router interface, with the highest IP Address and crppreference greater than -1, is
chosen as the CRP for the router. The default value is 0.
In the CRP advertisements sent to the bootstrap router (BSR), the router interface advertises
itself as the CRP for the group range mask
ip pimsm crppreference <-1 - 255>
no ip pimsm crppreference
<-1 - 255> - The preference value for the local interface.
no - This command is used to reset the Candidate Rendezvous Point (CRP) for a
particular PIM-SM interface to the default value.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Config