Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Switch
Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Network Switch User Manual Version 0.1
Page: 808/970
All other fields (source and destination port, precedence, tos, etc.) are ignored.
The source IP address is compared to the destination IP address of the route. The source
IP netmask in the access list rule is treated as a wildcard mask, indicating which bits in
the source IP address must match the destination address of the route. (Note that a 1 in
the mask indicates a "don’t care" in the corresponding address bit.)
When an access list rule includes a destination IP address and netmask (an extended
access list), the destination IP address is compared to the network mask of the
destination of the route. The destination netmask in the access list serves as a wildcard
mask, indicating which bits in the route’s destination mask are significant for the filtering
Command Buttons
Submit - Send the updated configuration to the router. Configuration changes take effect
Delete - Delete the entry of the Source Route selected as Configured Source from the list
of Sources configured for OSPF Route Redistribution.
Viewing OSPF Route Redistribution Summary Information
This screen displays the OSPF Route Redistribution Configurations.
Non Configurable Data
Source - The Source Route to be Redistributed by OSPF.
Metric- The Metric of redistributed routes for the given Source Route. Display
"Unconfigured" when not configured.
Metric Type - The OSPF metric types of redistributed routes.