Section 2
MikroScan 7600PRO
Operator’s Manual
Catalog 11180-94
V15.4F 050406
In addton to vewng pont temperature
data, the MikroScan 7600PRO also allows
you to establsh ndvdual emssvty
values for one or more ponts and to
obtan nformaton on how the tempera-
tures of the varous ponts are affected by
dfferences n emssvty settngs.
Used to determine the Max, Min, and Avg.
temperatures within a specified area of a
thermal mage. When creatng a box on
a thermal image, the max, min, and avg.
temperatures wthn the area of the spec-
fied box are displayed.
[MAx/MIn teMP]
By combnng use of ths functon and
the function of defining a box, the tem
peratures within the specified area can be
tracked wth the cursor.
Turns off the dsplay of the maxmum or
mnmum temperature.
Dsplays the maxmum temperature and
tracks t wth the cursor.
Dsplays the mnmum temperature and
tracks t wth the cursor.
[MAx HOLd]
Dsplays the maxmum temperature and
holds ts value and the cursor poston.
[MIn HOLd]
Dsplays the mnmum temperature and
holds ts value and the cursor poston.
[Run MOde]
Used to detect when the temperature
on the thermal mage goes out of the
specified temperature
range. Also used for
perodcally savng certan phenomenon to
a memory card and can also automatcally
and perodcally record thermal mages.
See Secton 5.5 for more nformaton on
the Event
Allows certan phenomenon to be
perodcally saved to a memory card.
Automatc savng s NOT performed.
Automatc savng s perodcally
performed (note: the time interval is set in
the INTERVAL settng).
Automatc savng s perodcally
performed (note: the time interval is set in
the INTERVAL settng).
Allows measurements to be frozen when
an event condton occurs.
Содержание 7600PRO
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