getOne command 270
getPos command 273
getProp command 274
getPropAt command 274
identifying items in 259, 260, 267, 270, 273,
ilk function 303
list operators ([]) 52
maximum value in 364
minimum value in 377
of movie windows 727
position of properties in property lists 238, 239
replacing property values from 589, 595
setaProp command 589
setAt command 590
setProp command 595
sorting 606
types of 303, 347
value of parameters in 459
windowList property 727
literal quotation mark (") 522
loading cast members
cancelIdleLoad command 119
determining if loaded 347
displaying information when 676
finishIdleLoad command 239
idleLoadDone function 299
idleLoadPeriod property 299
idleLoadTag system property 300
idleReadChunkSize property 300
preloading cast members 496, 497, 498
purge priority of cast members 514
unloading cast members 695, 696
local variables 516, 602
of cast members 126
of mouse pointer 394, 402, 403
of sprites 152, 348, 349, 351, 619
of Stage on desktop 622, 623, 624
location number of sprites 370
log files of Message window display 676
logarithm functions 223, 353
logical constants
TRUE 688
logical expressions 72
logical negation of expressions 436
long time format 666
loop keyword 354
next repeat keyword 433
repeat with keyword 545
repeat with...down to keyword 546
repeat list keyword 547
Macintosh computers
beep sound and 86
Lingo interpreters 558
platform system property 476
restarting 550
turning off 604
marker labels, frames associated with 334
before and after frames 362
getting list of 363
go loop command 281
going to next marker 282
going to previous marker 282
loop keyword 354
next keyword 432
marking end of handlers 212
Media Control Interface (MCI) 365
allocated to program 373
determining if cast members are loaded 347
free 257, 373, 407, 523
preloading cast members 496, 497, 498
preloading movies into 499
ramNeeded function 523
required to display frames 523
size of free blocks 257
unloading cast members from 695, 696
unloading movies from 696
menu item properties
checkMark of menuItem 130
enabled of menuItem 210
name of menuItem 414
script of menuItem 574
menu items
checked menu items 130
scripts executed by 574
selecting 210
setting text in 414
menu properties
name of menu 414
number of menus 443
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