Figure 7-6. Access-T Modem Dialout Parameters Display
24-Hour Registers
The 24-Hour Registers report (
) displays the contents
of a selected 24-hour performance register. As described in Chapter 2, Access-T
maintains three independent sets of 24-hour performance registers:
Telco registers
record performance of the input from the T1 line.
They can be accessed from the network as well as the command
ports, but can be cleared only from the network (i.e., by the telephone
company), by restarting the NIM, by changing the framing, or by
powering down then up. These registers meet telco monitoring re-
quirements as presented in AT&T Publication 54016.
User registers
record performance of the input from the T1 line. They
can be accessed from the supervisory interfaces as well as the network
and FDL, and can be cleared from the supervisory interfaces and the
FDL. Thus, they allow you to monitor and document network perform-
ance independent of the telco.
Aux (T1 DTE) registers
record the performance of the input to the
Aux port from a T1 DTE. These registers cannot be accessed from the
network. Aux registers can be cleared locally.
When ESF framing is used, telco registers at the far-end Access-T (or other
device conforming to AT&T Publication 54016) can also be reported. The
near-end Access-T requests and receives register contents via the facility data
link (FDL); hence, registers retrieved in this way are referred to as FDL
Chapter 7
Alarms, Reports, and Tests
June 1996