This read-only object provides the total number of received UDP datagrams for
which there was no application at the destination port.
This read-only object provides the total number of received UDP datagrams that
could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the
destination port.
This table, which is a sequence of “udpEntrys”, contains information about
Access-T end-points on which a local application is currently accepting data-
grams (i.e., UDP listener information). There are only 2 entries in the table.
This read-only object provides the Access-T local IP address. For Access-T, this
value will be, indicating a UDP listener willing to accept any and all UDP
datagrams for the interface in question.
This read-only object provides the Access-T’s (UDP local listener) local port
number. For Access-T, this is 161, the standard SNMP UDP port number. Any
requests for a port other than 161 are discarded.
EGP Group
The EGP group is not supported for Access-T.
Appendix F
Standard MIB-II Definitions
June 1996