Fridgewatch 2100 Controller Mk4
Publication 3-58
Section 3
Page 96 of 152
Issue 1.1 : 01/08
1 C
2 C
3 S32
Normal capacity modulation by Fridgewatch 2100 in manual or auto capacity control mode
0 (default)
Load to 50 %
Load to 100 %
Load to 100 %
Load to 50 %
Load to 100 %
Load to 100 %
Load to 100 %
Load to 100 %
Load to 50 %
Load to 100 %
Load to 100 %
Load to 100 %
NOTE: care must be taken when setting this option to prevent nuisance tripping should the compressor(s) load
too quickly and exceed the available duty.
Table 9 Initial Load Values on Starting
Care must be taken when setting this option to prevent nuisance tripping
should the compressor(s) load too quickly and exceed the available
demand for duty.
The initial load values available are illustrated in Table 9.
S33 Terminal
Set to 1 if a VDU terminal is attached directly to Fridgewatch 2100 and a
regularly updated (every 30 seconds) display is required. Use the default
value of 0 if not required.
S34 Printer
Set to 1 if a printer is attached directly to Fridgewatch 2100 and printed
output is required, or it is required to print a list of settings values or
download the list to a laptop PC; refer to (c). Restart the plant in the
required operating mode; refer to 9.7. Changing the Operating Mode.
Printing or Downloading the Settings List. Use the default value of 0
when this facility is not required.
The printed output has been arranged so that it is suitable for use with a
small portable handheld printer of 35 character width or more. The
important footnote in Fig 22 regarding common mode voltage must be
observed although it is always safe to use a battery powered portable
printer that is isolated from ground.
S35 Beep
Set to 1 if the internal beep only is to be used as an audible indication
that a button has been pressed. Use the default value of 0 to use the
front panel buzzer instead of the bleep, though this may not be practical if
an external klaxon is also attached.
S36 Commissioning
In normal operation S36 should be set to 0. In normal mode, slight
miscalibration or temperature drift of the motor current or LVDT analogue
inputs are masked from the display.
Set S36 to 1 while calibrating the analogues so that the raw input value is