System Description - MID Compliance
Part No.: 4418309_Rev09
Fusion4 MSC-L
Installation & Operation Manual
3 - 9
Essential parts of the metering system, such as temperature
transmitters, electronic volume converters air-eliminators, and so on. In
addition to this, the method with which the system is built is also
examined by the Notified body. In turn the Notified Bodies are
scrutinized by the European Board of Accreditation.
The system approval process for MID consists of two main steps:
‘Bringing on the market’
- type-examination by a Notified body in
accordance with Annex-B of the MID. This generates a so-called
type-examination certificate.
‘Putting it into use’
- conformity check of the essential parts and a wet
calibration in the legal specification. This is implemented in
accordance with Annex F or D of the MID. This generates the system
The system can now be used for trade and excise applications. The
received approval is subject to recalibration at 1 or 2 year interval, and
this is determined on national level.
NOTE: Evaluation Certificate provides demonstration that
the MSC-L as a component of an MID-compliant
instrument is approved per MID and OIML
3.2.3 Component-level Requirements
For blending applications such as ethanol- and biodiesel-blending, the
minimum required accuracy of the metering line is ±0.5% (class 0.5).
The flow metering element of the system is allowed ± 0.3% in accuracy,
and the remainder of the system is permitted to show maximum errors
to ± 0.2%.
As the errors are directly related to inaccuracies, they are added to get
the total maximum. Therefore, ± 0.5% is the maximum allowed
discrepancy between what the seller states as the volume transferred,
and the actual volume the buyer receives.