Operation - Transfer
Fusion4 MSC-L
Part No.: 4418309_Rev09
5 - 290
Installation & Operation Manual
The following entities are available on the
Transfer . Calibration
All records - This option retrieves all the calibration records available
on the device.
Range of records - This option allows you to select the required
range of calibration logs from the available records.
Single record - This option allows you to retrieve the calibration of a
single record available on the device.
5.20.6 Recipes
On the Transfer screen, select
to install and save the recipes
available on the SD card.
Transfer . Recipes
screen appears, which displays the options to
install and save recipes available on the SD card.
The following entities are available on the
Transfer . Recipes
<Install recipe>
- Select this option to install a recipe present on the SD
<Retrieve recipes>
- Select this option to save the current recipes on the
SD card.
5.20.7 Language Packs
The language packs contain the local translations of the parameters
and entities displayed on the screen of the MSC-L.
Copy the language pack xml file to ‘
L\Generic\Language packs’
path located in the SD card of the LAD.
On the
screen, select
<Language packs>
to install the
language file stored in the LAD.