System Description - MID Compliance
Fusion4 MSC-L
Part No.: 4418309_Rev09
3- 10
Installation & Operation Manual
Component-level requirements (flow accuracy)
In the metering line, the essential parts of the system are the flow meter,
the temperature sensor, and the load controller itself. The flow meter
physically measures the flow and generates pulses, which are related to
the volume passed through the meter. For reliability, the pulses are dual
phase shifted and are constantly checked by the electronic load
controller for integrity, according to API and ISO. Through the
temperature sensor (transmitter) the metered volume can be corrected
to base temperature of either 15°C (60°F) or 20°C (68°F), in
accordance with the ASTM standards. If a temperature transmitter is
applied, then component level requirements must also have an
evaluation certificate. For the temperature sensor (Pt100) it is not