Operation - Device Security
Fusion4 MSC-L
Part No.: 4418309_Rev09
5 - 24
Installation & Operation Manual
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5.5 Device Security
A security level based access controls the activities, which a user can
perform using the MSC-L.
The MSC-L user management takes care of the following actions:
Identify (entering a pin or providing a card).
Authorize (check pin/card ID against the database and provide
access to the system).
Register (store the latest login date and time).
You can perform the following activities.
Operational activities (for example, vehicle loading and inspecting
the running screens).
Service activities (for example, Configuration, Monitoring the
Advanced service activities (for example, Upgrade Firmware, Add
the users).
Security level is assigned to the users in the database based on the
activities which can be performed by that user. There are three security
levels SL1, SL2, and SL3.
1. SL1 users generally are truck drivers, bay operators, and so on.
2. SL2 and SL3 users can be managers, service technicians, notified
body engineers, and so on.
3. SL3 users can add users into the database. MSC-L provides a
default user database with one ADMIN created with security level 3
privileges. The default password is 1234.
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