Operation - System Configuration
Fusion4 MSC-L
Part No.: 4418309_Rev09
5 - 102
Installation & Operation Manual
Honeywell System Config . Display. Operational Screen
On the
System Config
. General . Display
screen, select
. The following entities are displayed.
Value range
[Dynamic label 1], [Dynamic
label 2], and [Dynamic label 3]
With this entity you can select the
values which are required to appear on
the Load progress screen.
<Preset >
<Load GOV>
<Load GSV>
<Remaining time>
<Flow rate>
<Accumulated GOV>
<Accumulated GSV>
<Accumulated mass>
<Remaining quantity>
<Main GOV>
<Blend 1 GOV>
<Blend 2 GOV>
<Blend 3 GOV>
<Main GSV>
<Blend 1 GSV>
<Blend 2 GSV>
<Blend 3 GSV>
<Main ratio>
<Blend 1 ratio>
<Blend 2 ratio>
<Blend 3 ratio>
<Main mass>
<Blend 1 mass>
<Blend 2 mass>
<Blend 3 mass>
<Additive 1 PPM>
<Additive 2 PPM>
<Additive 3 PPM>
<Base temperature>
<Base pressure>
<Vapour return>