Operation - Stream Configuration
Fusion4 MSC-L
Part No.: 4418309_Rev09
5 - 156
Installation & Operation Manual
TP27-07 (MPMS 11.2.4) - by additionally applying CPL factor based
on MPMS 11.2.2 and vapour pressure (MPMS 11.2.5 is used if
vapour pressure source is set to ‘Calculated’)
CNP6-70 - by additionally applying CPL factor based on MPMS
11.2.1M (utilizing D1250-04 procedures)
Other commodity groups - pressure compensation not supported
If density sensor is not used, then laboratory observation density is
used to derive density at base conditions and, conveniently this
laboratory data can represent conditions different from base conditions.
Laboratory data parameters also include thermal expansion coefficient
which is required for commodity group C (Special Apps.).
The “Density reading correction” parameter can be set for convenient
entering of laboratory observed density as direct reading from a glass
hydrometer (D1298-12B). The “Mixture percentage” and “Mixture calc.
option” parameters allow for mixture percentage (either by mass or by
volume) to be used instead of laboratory observed density in case of
NBR15639-08 commodity group (ethanol mixture with water).