Operation - System Configuration
Fusion4 MSC-L
Part No.: 4418309_Rev09
5 - 114
Installation & Operation Manual
[Flow rate range margin]
With this entity you can set a band
around the minimum linear meter flow
and the maximum meter flow that
ensures a certain amount of margin is
used above the minimum and under
the maximum flow rates.
The margin is defined as the
percentage of the range between the
minimum linear meter flow rate and the
maximum meter flow rate and is
applied to both limits. That is, the range
of the meter is effectively reduced by
twice the amount of the factor in terms
of the loading profile.
default =
[Meter error threshold]
With this entity you can enter the
maximum number of quad pulse errors
permitted for every 1000 pulses. If
more than the specified number of
pulses are missing in a batch of
1000 pulses, then a pulse hardware
error is generated, if the pulse integrity
check is configured.
Missing pulses that occur when the
pulse input frequency is below the
meter cutoff frequency are not counted
towards the pulse hardware alarm. A
quad pulse
phase error also increments the pulse
hardware error count.
default =
[K-factor type]
With this entity you can specify if the
meter is configured to use a linear or
non-linear K-factor. This setting affects
the calculation of the effective K-Factor
[DI hysteresis time]
With this entity you can set the active
time in milliseconds (ms) of the input
signal before accepting it as a valid
input signal. The time between two
signal transitions must be greater than
[Hysteresis time]
default =
<250> ms
[Flow meter serial #]
With this entity you can program the
manufacturer serial number of the
Value range