Operation - Arm Configuration
Fusion4 MSC-L
Part No.: 4418309_Rev09
5 - 210
Installation & Operation Manual
Honeywell Pre-stop Flow
Alarms Programmable Alarms
Value range
Alarm action
With this entity you can configure the
alarm behavior, in case this particular
alarm occurs.
<Display shutdown>
<Display pause>
[Alarm start delay]
With this entity you can configure a
delay after which the MSC-L starts
monitoring the full flow rate alarm after
the load profile enters from full flow
state to pre stop state.
... <255>
(default =
<5> s
[Low percentage]
With this entity you can configure the
low percentage value for monitoring the
prestop flowrate alarm. The Prestop
flowrate low alarm is raised if the actual
flowrate during the prestop stage is
below the configured prestop flowrate
by low percentage value.
... <99.99>
(default =
[High percentage]
With this entity you can configure the
high percentage value for monitoring
the prestop flowrate alarm. The
Prestop flowrate low alarm is raised if
the actual flowrate during the prestop
stage is above the configured prestop
flowrate by high percentage value.
... <99.99>
(default =
Value range
[IO binding]
With this entity you can select the
physical input source for the
programmable alarm function.
Any of the unused QPI-n, AI-n, DI-AC-n,
DI-DC-n, or None.
The default value is
[Alarm action]
With this entity you can configure the
alarm behavior, in case this particular
alarm occurs.
<Display >
<Display shutdown>
<Display pause>
Alarm name]
With this entity you can configure the
name of the alarm.
A maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters
are allowed for configuration.
[Response time]
With this entity you can set the time in
seconds, which is the time required for
the input to change from one state to
... <255>
(default =