Operation - Stream Configuration
Fusion4 MSC-L
Part No.: 4418309_Rev09
5 - 164
Installation & Operation Manual
NOTE: The pressure should be entered as a gauge
pressure. Stream Config . Stream n . Alarms
On the
Stream Config . Stream n
screen, select
[Thermal expansion coeff.]
With this entity you can enter the
expansion coefficient used during the
volume conversion. This is only
applicable for Special application
commodity group.
default =
<0.00> 1/°C
[Density reading correction]
With this entity you can select if the
density reading correction should apply
[Observed density]
parameter. Set
this parameter to
[Observed density]
was entered as a
direct reading of glass hydrometer
complying with D1298-12B standard.
[Mixture percentage]
With this entity you can enter the
product stream mixture percentage
(either by mass or by volume) as it is
measured in a lab.
Currently this is only relevant to
NBR15639-08 (Ethanol Mix)
commodity group, providing that
[Mixture calc. option]
parameter set to
<Percentage (by mass)>
<Percentage (by volume)>
[Mixture calc. option]
With this entity you can select the lab
observation data to be used for VCF
calculations for mixtures.
Currently this is only relevant to
NBR15639-08 (Ethanol Mix)
commodity group.
<Observed density>
<Percentage (by mass)>
<Percentage (by volume)>
[Observed density units]
<Kilogram per Cubic Meter>
<Degrees API>
<Pounds per Cubic Feet>
<Relative Density at 60 F>
<Kilogram per liter>
[Observed temperature]
<Degrees Celsius>
<Degrees Fahrenheit>
[Observed pressure] ->
<Kilo Pascal>
<Pounds per Square Inch>
<PSI large>
Value range