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GSK218MC Series Machining Center CNC System PLC&Installation Connetion Manual
III Function
5.1 Cycle Start/ Feed Dwell
Start the automatic operation (Cycle start): In the storage mode, the automatic operation start
signal ST is set to 1 during the DNC or MDI mode; the CNC enters into the automatic operation start
state, then operates.
Signal ST is ignored in the following conditions:
1. Except the automation, DNC and MDI method.
2. When the feed dwell signal (SP) is set to 1.
3. When the ESP signal (ESP) is set to 1.
4. Press the <RESET> button on the MDI.
9. CNC is on the alarm state.
10. The automatic operation has been started already.
11. When the program restart signal (SRN) is set to 1.
12. CNC is searching a sequence number.
In the automatic operation, the CNC enters into the feed hold state and stops in the following
1. When the feed dwell signal (SP) is set to 1.
2. Single block code is ended during the single block operates.
3. MDI operation has been completed.
4. The alarm occurs in the CNC.
5. The single block code has been completed after it becomes the other
automatic operations or edit mode.
In the automatic operation, the CNC enters into the reset state and stops in the following states.
1. The ESP signal (ESP) is set to 1.
2. Press the <RESET> button on the MDI.
Automatic operation interrupted (Feed dwell)
The feed dwell signal SP is set to 1 during the automatic operation, the CNC
enters into the dwell state and stops. At the same time, the cycle start
indicator STL is cleared to 0, and the feed hold indicator SPL is set to 1. The
automatic operation will not restart even if the SP signal is cleared to 0 again.
If the restart automatic operation should be performed again, the SP signal
firstly should be cleared to 0, and then set the ST signal to 1, and then clears
to 0 lastly.