PlasmaQuant MS Series
Wash your hands and change your gloves frequently when working with sample
introduction hardware and avoid touching your eyes.
Solutions containing hydrofluoric acid (HF) can cause loss of limbs, severe burns,
and death. DO NOT work with any sample introduction system components that
have been used with HF unless the customer flushes the system and removes the
drain bottle contents.
Before attempting any work use (powder free) gloves.
Before attempting work of any nature on the sample introduction system, of an
installed instrument, always determine what type of samples and solvents are in
When attempting to insert the nebulizer into the end cap, or the nebulizer end cap
into the body of the spray chamber, wet all mating surfaces with DI water or a
dilute solution of Triton X-100 to provide an easier fit.
Do not touch the inner surface of the nebulizer end cap or spray chamber. Traces of
oil or grease from hands can adversely affect performance such as signal stability.
Aspirating a dilute solution of a non-ionic detergent (such as 0.1% Triton X-100 in
distilled water) prior to analysis will improve the performance of the spray
chamber. The detergent acts as a wetting agent.
Peristaltic pump tubing loses its elasticity with use. Tubing, which has lost its
elasticity, will not deliver the sample to the nebulizer correctly.
Always release the pump pressure bars and unhook the tubing from the clamps
when the plasma is not on.
When the pump tubing appears deformed, or is loose on the pump rollers, it
should be replaced with new pump tubing.
Always ensure the nebulizer is clean before use. Routine flushing, with clean rinse
liquid between samples and after analysis, will help prevent deposits from forming
on and inside the nebulizer.
The properties of the nebulizer are dependent on its physical shape. Take care
whenever handling the nebulizer to protect the tip from damage or blockage.
When not in use, always store the nebulizer in a safe place.
Particulate matter present in the analytical solutions can easily block the nebulizer.
Solid matter may become lodged in the fine central capillary through which the
sample passes, or it may be deposited at the tip of the nebulizer, preventing the
flow of gas and/or sample through the nebulizer.
Obstructions in the sample introduction system can usually be detected by a change
in the flow rate or analytical signal when compared with similar previous analyses.
You may be able to see the obstruction with a 30x magnifier.
Verify that the torch is aligned correctly within the coils before attempting a plasma
Specific Procedures