PlasmaQuant MS Series
Figure 11-1 - The instrument card cage contains the system control PCB and the ion optics power supply
Test points for the ion optics supplies are accessible by holes in the protective cover. A
standard multimeter probe should make contact with the test point pads. The test
point voltages have been divided (1/1000 ratio) to levels less than 1000 V where
Quadrupole Controller
The quadrupole controller is responsible for generating and controlling the RF and DC
power supplies for the quadrupole. It relies on mains power supply from the AC input
module and control signals from the system control PCB. The output looms are two
coaxial cables connected to the mass analyzer via two vacuum feedthroughs. These
cables disconnect from the back of the quadrupole controller and not from the vacuum
housing. It is located near the top of the instrument above the system control PCB and
Ion Optics & Detector supply PCB. For calibration and troubleshooting techniques and
for removal and replacement procedures refer to section 14, page 205 of this manual.
Electrical Box Module
The Electrical Box module contains two switch mode power supply PCBs. One
gen15 V, -15 V and +5 V, the other generates the +24 V supply. These circuit
boards are not designed by Analytik Jena and the circuit descriptions are not available.
Troubleshooting these supplies is usually done by verifying the appropriate LED on the
PCB is lit. (Refer to either schematics or troubleshooting guide.)
Both PCB assemblies obtain mains power supply directly from the instrument AC input
module. The Electrical Box module su24V, +/-15V, +5V to the system control
PCB, +24V, +/- 15V to the ion optics and detector HVPS PCB’s and +24V to the sample
introduction (gas box) interface PCB.