PlasmaQuant MS Series
A circuit description for the system control PCB and the sample introduction interface
PCB are contained in the theory of operation section. Circuit diagrams for all
instrument PCB assemblies are contained in Schematics.
System description
The instrument electronics system is described below in six functional blocks. Included
are brief descriptions of how they are interfaced to the system control PCB (10-5100-
400-12) which power supplies are employed and where the power is delivered. The
electronics system functional blocks are as follows:
ion signal and control
power supplies
interlocks and sensors
Electronics System Functional Overview
The signal processing and the majority of the system control electronics are contained
on the system control PCB. The following list briefly summarizes the function of each
major assembly connected to the system control PCB.
The sample introduction interface PCB (10-5-0220006800) contains the control
and sensing electronics for the peristaltic pump, spray chamber Peltier, argon
pressure sensor, gate valve and igniter. It also serves as an interface for the plasma
and auxiliary gas flow solenoids to the system control PCB. The MFC's are not
connected to this PCB.
Ion Optics High Voltage Power Supply supplies high voltage to the ion optics
system. It also provides two control voltages to the attenuator PCB. These voltages
are supplied through a pair of coaxial cables (P4 and P3).
The amplifier/discriminator (10-5-0210180200) PCB is responsible for amplifying
the detector output signal, converting it to LVDS and eliminating unwanted
detector output signals before reaching the system control PCB.
The USB and panel mount USB port (10-5-1210142700) provides USB interface
between the system control PCB and the PC and the system control PCB and any
ICP-MS compatible accessories.