PlasmaQuant MS Series
The correct threshold cannot be set just by winding the trim-pot a certain number of
turns from its end stop. The op-amp output offset voltage = input offset voltage (+/-
1.8 mV maximum) x gain (20). This means the op-amp output offset voltage could be
as low as -36 mV and as high as +36 mV, although it is typ/-5 mV the threshold
must always be set above the op-amp offset voltage, usually ~6-7 mV above. Each
board should always use the factory set threshold, therefore it should not be adjusted
in the field.
When the comparator detects a pulse, it triggers the D-flip flop, the non-retriggerable
front-end of the 10 nS monostable circuit. The D-flip-flop will trigger on the edge of a
pulse as small as 400 ps wide.
This triggers the MC10198 monostable, which produces a 10 ns output pulse, and re-
sets the D-flip-flop to accept another pulse.
The reason we generate one 10 ns output pulse regardless of the input pulse width is
mainly because it allows the use of statistical analysis to predict the real pulse rate
given the output characteristics of the electron multiplier.
The monostable output is converted to TTLV then to LVDS (Low Voltage Differential
Signaling), to provide a fast, low noise transmission to the control board, which is
counting the pulses.
The analog-over-range path is a current-to-voltage converter. If a steady current of 50
µA is detected, the ANL-OVR output is activated, to indicate that the electron
multiplier gain is too high, or that the number of counts for the gain selected is too
high. There is a second stage inversion, due to the control board being configured such
that if the cable to the amp/discriminator board is unplugged, the program will flag an
over-range error.
Sample Introduction Interconnect PCB
The Sample Introduction PCB electronics perform the following functions:
Drive the peristaltic pump
Provide power to the Peltier cooler on the spray chamber
Monitor the temperature of the spray chamber
Interface the control PCB to the gas solenoids
Interface the igniter and argon sensors to the control PCB
Controls the small isolation valve
A four layer PCB laminate was used mainly for its low EMC radiation properties. Ferrite
inductors have been used extensively to reduce signals radiated or passed on through
this PCB.
Inductor L1 is a four turn inductor printed on the circuit board, with a clip-on ferrite
providing the magnetic circuit.
PCB overview