17.13.4 [008] Density Overrange
Extreme Primary Purpose Variable
The measured density is above 10 g/cm
Recommended actions
1. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
2. Verify that the transmitter is configured correctly for the connected sensor.
3. Check for two-phase flow.
4. Verify all of the characterization or calibration parameters.
See the sensor tag or the calibration sheet for your meter.
5. Check the sensor coils for electrical shorts. If you find problems, replace the sensor.
6. Check the drive gain and the pickoff voltage.
7. Contact customer service.
17.13.5 [009] Transmitter Initializing/ Warming Up
Transmitter Initializing
The transmitter is in power-up mode.
Recommended actions
1. Allow the meter to complete its power-up sequence. The alert should clear automatically.
2. If the alert does not clear:
a) Measure the voltage at the core processor terminals and ensure that it is receiving a minimum of
11.5 volts at all times. If it is not, verify the power wiring to the transmitter.
b) Verify that the tubes are full of process fluid.
c) Check the wiring between the sensor and the transmitter.
17.13.6 [010] Calibration Failed
Function Check Failed or Smart Meter Verification Aborted
The calibration failed.
Configuration and Use Manual
March 2019
Configuration and Use Manual