5.2 Set up concentration measurement
The concentration measurement application calculates concentration from line density and line temperature.
5.2.1 Preparing to set up concentration measurement
The procedure for setting up concentration measurement application depends on how your device was
ordered and how you want to use the application. Review this information before you begin.
Requirements for concentration measurement
To use the concentration measurement application, the following conditions must be met:
The concentration measurement application must be enabled.
The API Referral application must be disabled.
The advanced phase measurement application must be disabled.
A concentration matrix must be loaded into one of the six slots on the transmitter.
In most cases, the concentration matrix that you ordered was loaded at the factory. If it was not, you have
several options for loading a matrix. You can also build a matrix.
Temperature Source
must be configured and set up.
One matrix must be selected as the active matrix (the matrix used for measurement).
Requirements for matrices
A matrix is the set of coefficients used to convert process data to concentration, plus related parameters. The
matrix can be saved as a file.
The transmitter requires all matrices to be in .matrix format. You can use ProLink III to load matrices in other
.edf (used by ProLink II)
.xml (used by ProLink III)
The transmitter can store matrices in two locations:
One of the six slots in memory
The transmitter's SD card
Any matrix in a slot is available for use. In other words, it can be selected as the active matrix and used for
measurement. Matrices on the SD card are not available for use. They must be loaded into a slot before they
can be used for measurement.
All matrices in slots must use the same derived variable. Matrices on the SD card have no requirement for
their derived variables to match.
See the following table for the different ways that you can load matrices.
Table 5-2: Methods to load a matrix file
ProLink III
Field Communicator
Load matrix from USB drive to SD card
Configuration and Use Manual
Configure process measurement applications
March 2019
Configuration and Use Manual