Load a concentration matrix using ProLink III
At least one concentration matrix must be loaded onto your transmitter. You can load up to six.
The concentration measurement application must be enabled on your device.
For each concentration matrix that you want to load, you need a file containing the matrix data. The ProLink III
installation includes a set of standard concentration matrices. Other matrices are available from
Micro Motion. The file can be on your computer or in the transmitter's internal memory.
The file must be in one of the formats that ProLink III supports. This includes:
.xml (ProLink III)
.matrix (4200)
If you are loading an .xml file, you must know the following information for your matrix:
The derived variable that the matrix is designed to calculate
The density unit that the matrix was built with
The temperature unit that the matrix was built with
If you are loading a .matrix file, you must know the derived variable that the matrix is designed to calculate.
All concentration matrices on your transmitter must use the same derived variable.
If you change the setting of
Derived Variable
, all existing concentration matrices will be deleted from the
six slots on the transmitter, but not from the transmitter's SD card. Set
Derived Variable
before loading
concentration matrices.
In many cases, concentration matrices were ordered with the device and loaded at the factory. You may not
need to load any matrices.
You cannot use ProLink III to load a matrix to the transmitter's SD card. ProLink III loads matrices directly to
one of the transmitter's six slots.
1. If you are loading an .xml file, choose
Device Tools
Process Measurement
and set
Density Unit
to the density unit used by your matrix.
When you load a matrix in one of these formats, if the density unit is not correct, concentration data
will be incorrect. The density units must match at the time of loading. You can change the density unit
after the matrix is loaded.
2. If you are loading an .xml file, choose
Device Tools
Process Measurement
and set
Temperature Unit
to the temperature unit used by your matrix.
Configure process measurement applications
Configuration and Use Manual
March 2019
Micro Motion Model 5700 Transmitters with Configurable Outputs