mA Output Damping
controls the amount of damping that will be applied to the mA Output.
Damping is used to smooth out small, rapid fluctuations in process measurement. The damping value
specifies the time period, in seconds, over which the transmitter will spread changes in the process variable.
At the end of the interval, the value reported by the mA Output will reflect 63% of the change in the actual
measured value.
mA Output Damping
affects a process variable only when it is reported via the mA Output. If the process
variable is read from the display or digitally,
mA Output Damping
is not applied.
mA Output Damping
to the desired value.
Default: 0.0 seconds
Range: 0.0 to 440 seconds
A high damping value makes the process variable appear smoother because the reported value changes
A low damping value makes the process variable appear more erratic because the reported value changes
more quickly.
The combination of a high damping value and rapid, large changes in the process variable assigned to the
mA Output can result in increased measurement error.
Whenever the damping value is non-zero, the damped value will lag the actual measurement because the
damped value is being averaged over time.
In general, lower damping values are preferable because there is less chance of data loss, and less lag time
between the actual measurement and the damped value.
Interaction between mA Output Damping and process variable damping
mA Output Source
is set to a flow rate variable, density, or temperature,
mA Output Damping
interacts with
Flow Damping
Density Damping
, or
Temperature Damping
. If multiple damping parameters
are applicable, the effect of damping the process variable is calculated first, and the mA Output damping
calculation is applied to the result of that calculation.
Damping interaction
Flow Damping
mA Output Source
= Mass Flow Rate
mA Output Damping
Result: A change in the mass flow rate will be reflected in the mA Output over a time period that is greater
than 3 seconds. The exact time period is calculated by the transmitter according to internal algorithms which
are not configurable.
8.2.6 Configure mA Output Fault Action
I/O Settings
Fault Action
Configuration and Use Manual
Integrate the meter with the control system
March 2019
Configuration and Use Manual