17 Troubleshooting
17.1 Status LED and device status
The status LED (
) on the transmitter display provides a quick indication of device status by
changing color and flashing. If the transmitter was ordered without a display, the LEDs on the outputs board
inside the transmitter provide the same information.
Table 17-1: Status LED and device status
Status LED condition
Device status
Solid green
No alerts are active.
Solid yellow
One or more alerts are active with
Alert Severity
= Out of Specification,
Maintenance Required, or Function Check.
Solid red
One or more alerts are active with
Alert Severity
= Failure.
Flashing yellow (1 Hz)
The Function Check in Progress alert is active.
17.2 API referral problems
17.2.1 Extrapolation alert is active
Line pressure, line temperature, or line density is outside the range of the configured API table.
Recommended actions
1. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
2. Verify the configuration of the API referral application and related parameters.
17.2.2 Inaccurate referred density reading
Inaccurate density measurement
Inaccurate temperature measurement
Incorrect reference conditions
Incorrect API table selection
Recommended actions
1. Verify the line density value.
2. Verify the line temperature value.
3. Ensure that the application is configured to use the appropriate temperature source.
4. Ensure that the pressure source is configured correctly, that the external pressure device is operating
correctly, and that both devices are using the same measurement units.
Configuration and Use Manual
March 2019
Configuration and Use Manual