c) Select
d) Select the file that you want to load.
e) Choose Yes or No when prompted to apply the settings.
Yes: The file is loaded to working memory and becomes active immediately.
No: The file is loaded to the transmitter's SD card but not to working memory. You can load it
from the SD card to working memory at a later time.
3.2.4 Load a configuration file using ProLink III
You can load a configuration file to the transmitter's working memory. You can load a backup file or a
replication file. Two PC file formats are supported: the Model 5700 format and the ProLink III format.
Backup files
Contain all parameters. They are used to restore the current device if required.
extension is used to identify backup files.
Replication files
Contain all parameters except the device-specific parameters, e.g., calibration factors or
meter factors. They are used to replicate the transmitter configuration to other devices.
extension is used to identify replication files.
You can use a saved configuration file to change the nature of the transmitter quickly. This might be
convenient if the transmitter is used for different applications or different process fluids.
When you use ProLink III format for configuration files, you can specify configuration parameters individually
or by groups. Therefore, you can use this format for both backup and replication.
To load a backup file or replication file from the transmitter's SD card:
a) Choose
Device Tools
Configuration Transfer
Load Configuration
b) Select On my 5700 Device Internal Memory and click
c) Click Restore.
d) Set the file type.
To load a backup file, set the file type to Backup.
To load a replication file, set the file type to Transfer.
e) Select the file that you want to load and click
The parameters are written to working memory, and the new settings become effectively immediately.
To load a backup file or replication file in Model 5700 format from the PC:
a) Choose
Device Tools
Configuration Transfer
Load Configuration
b) Select On my computer in 5700 device file format and click
c) Click Restore.
Introduction to configuration and commissioning
Configuration and Use Manual
March 2019
Micro Motion Model 5700 Transmitters with Configurable Outputs