Need help?
If the value is not correct:
Ensure that the external device and the meter are using the same measurement unit.
For polling:
Verify the wiring between the meter and the external device.
Verify the HART tag of the external device.
For the mA Input:
Verify the wiring between the meter and the external device.
Verify the power configuration for Channel D. If external power is required, ensure that the loop is
Verify the Lower Range Value and Upper Range Value settings for the mA Input.
Perform an mA Input trim.
Adjust the mA Input damping value.
For digital communications:
Verify that the host has access to the required data.
Verify that the host is writing to the correct register in memory, using the correct data type.
5.1.2 Set up the API referral application using ProLink III
This section guides you through the tasks required to set up and implement the API referral application.
Enable the API referral application using ProLink III
The API referral application must be enabled before you can perform any setup. If the API referral application
was enabled at the factory, you do not need to enable it now.
The API referral application must be licensed on your transmitter.
1. Choose
Device Tools
Process Measurement
and ensure that
Volume Flow
is set to Liquid Volume.
2. Choose
Device Tools
Transmitter Options
3. If the concentration measurement application is enabled, disable it and click
The concentration measurement application and the API referral application cannot be enabled
4. Enable
API Referral
and click
Configure process measurement applications
Configuration and Use Manual
March 2019
Micro Motion Model 5700 Transmitters with Configurable Outputs