Fix at Fault
During the test, all outputs will go to their configured fault action. The test will
run for approximately 140 seconds.
The test starts immediately.
4. Wait for the test to complete.
At any time during the process, you can abort the test. If the outputs were fixed, they will return to
normal behavior.
When SMV is licensed, results for the test are stored in the transmitter memory, along with results for tests
performed with any other tool. These results are also stored in the ProLink III database. You can view and
use these results in any tool-based trending and reporting functions.
When SMV is not licensed, results from previous tests are saved in a database, but not accessible. A Pass/
Fail indication is all that is provided for the current test.
View the results and take any appropriate actions.
Run an SMV test using ProLink III
1. Read the Prerequisites in
Use Smart Meter Verification (SMV)
if you have not done so already.
2. Choose
Device Tools
Meter Verification
Run Test
If Smart Meter Verification is licensed in the 5700 transmitter, you can also scroll to the bottom of the
ProLink III main screen and choose from the shortcut buttons:
Smart Meter Verification Overview
Meter Verification
Run Verification
ProLink III automatically compares the contents of its SMV database to the SMV database on the
device, and uploads test data as required. You may need to wait for a few seconds until this process is
3. In the
SMV Test Definition
window, enter any desired information and click
None of this information is required. It does not affect SMV processing.
ProLink III stores this information in the SMV database on the PC. It is not saved to the transmitter.
4. Select the desired output behavior.
Continue Measuring During the test, all outputs will continue to report their assigned process
variables. The test will run for approximately 90 seconds.
Fix at Last
Measured Value
During the test, all outputs will report the last measured value of their assigned
process variable. The test will run for approximately 140 seconds.
Measurement support
Configuration and Use Manual
March 2019
Micro Motion Model 5700 Transmitters with Configurable Outputs