Assembly and preparation
Instructions for use Fabius plus SW 3.n
For measurement purposes, a permanent
sidestream flow flows through the sample line to
the patient-gas measurement module. With
blocked HME filter or filter in this position on the Y-
piece, the measurement system will cause
underpressure situations in the patients lungs.
Observing the resistance and compliance
Higher resistance values during spontaneous
breathing lead to an increased work of breathing in
the patient.
During volume-controlled ventilation, an increased
resistance during inspiration has a slight effect on
the applied volume. The peak pressure increases,
however, with constant plateau pressure.
Therefore, the time constant increases during the
expiratory phase. When applying too short
expiratory times, this can lead to an incomplete
emptying of the lungs. This leads to a dynamic
overinflation of the lungs (airtrapping).
During pressure-controlled ventilation, an
increased resistance can decrease the inspiratory
and expiratory volumes.
Before performing the selftest, all accessories
be used must be connected. Extendable hoses
must be pulled out to the length intended by the
user. Only in this way is the compliance correctly
determined and with volume-controlled ventilation
a correct tidal volume applied.
Risk of underpressure in the lungs
If filters are blocked, the sample gas flow can
immediately cause underpressure in the
When ventilating pediatric patients and
neonates, do not use HMEF or other filters at
the Y-piece in connection with a hose adapter
that have a patient-side connection for a
sample line.
Risk due to accessory components in
breathing circuit
When using additional components or hose
configurations which deviate from the
standard breathing circuit, the inspiratory
and expiratory resistance values may be
increased beyond standard requirements.
When using such configurations, the user
must pay special attention to the measured
Risk of increased rebreathing
Leakages between the inner and outer hose
of a coaxial breathing circuit cannot be
detected during the leakage test.
To prevent insufficient gas exchange or CO
rebreathing, pay strict attention to the
measured gas concentration.
Risk due to misleading data
Replacing breathing hoses, filters, vaporizers, or
soda lime can change the determined leakage
values and compliance values of the anesthesia
machine and thus affect therapy.
– Perform a leakage test and compliance test
after replacing breathing hoses, particularly
flex hoses, vaporizers, or soda lime.
– Perform a leakage test and compliance test
after changing the length of extendable
Risk due to changed hose lengths
Changed hose lengths can change resistance
and compliance. For neonates, this can cause
increased or reduced breathing volumes.
For neonates in particular, do not use flex hoses.
If necessary, take additional parts such as water traps or
additional hoses in consideration.