Instructions for use Fabius plus SW 3.n
For your safety and that of your patients
Risk of tipping over during transport
The medical device may tip over if handled
incorrectly. Observe the following points
when transporting medical devices:
– The medical device may only be moved by
people who have the physical ability to do
– To improve the maneuverability, transport
the device with 2 persons.
– When transporting over inclines, around
corners, or over thresholds (e.g., through
doors or in elevators), make sure that the
medical device does not bump against
– Remove any devices mounted to the
holding arms or the top of the device.
– Clear the writing tray and fold it down
completely or slide it into the device.
– Do not pull the medical device over hoses,
cables, or other obstacles lying on the
– Do not activate the brake while the
medical device is being moved.
– Always use the handles on the device to
push or pull it.
Risk of fire
The flow sensor can ignite medications or
other substances that are easily flammable.
– Do not nebulize medications or other
substances that are easily flammable or
spray them into the device.
– Do not use substances containing alcohol.
– Do not allow combustible or explosive
substances to enter the breathing system
or breathing circuit.
– Do not use cyclopropane or ether.
Risk due to failure of flow measurement
Deposits that were not removed during
reprocessing can damage the measuring
wires in the flow sensor or cause a fire.
– Before inserting the flow sensor check for
visible damage, soiling, and particles.
Repeat this check regularly.
– Replace flow sensors when damaged,
soiled, or not particle-free.
Risk of insufficient ventilation
Device failure or operating errors can lead to
ventilation failure.
– To ensure immediate remedial action in
case of device failure, only operate the
device under permanent supervision of
– The general safety standards for
anesthesia systems require that a manual
resuscitator be kept at the ready for
emergency ventilation.
Risk of injury to the lungs
Endotracheal suction can cause negative
pressure in the lungs. This pressure can
injure the lungs.
Be careful during suction.
Risk of not hearing the alarm tone
Dräger recommends that the user remain in
the vicinity of the anesthesia machine, i.e.,
within a distance of up to four meters (12
feet). This facilitates fast recognition and
response in the event of an alarm.