Assembly and preparation
Instructions for use Fabius plus SW 3.n
Assembly and preparation
Before first operation
.................................... 51
Activating the battery....................................... 51
Connecting the mains power supply ............... 52
Auxiliary power sockets................................... 53
Establishing potential equalization .................. 53
Connecting the gas supply
.......................... 54
Central gas supply........................................... 55
Gas cylinders with pin-index system (optional) 56
Gas cylinders with screw connections
(optional) ......................................................... 58
Mounting the anesthetic vaporizers................. 59
Ensuring the gas supply
............................... 60
Connecting the anesthetic gas receiving
system (optional) ............................................. 60
Assembling the breathing system
............... 61
Preparing the ventilator ................................... 61
Mounting the CO
absorber to the compact
breathing system ............................................. 62
Mounting the COSY heating and the power
supply unit (optional) ....................................... 65
Connecting the compact breathing system ..... 66
Inserting the flow sensor ................................. 67
Connecting the exhaust port ........................... 67
Connecting the breathing bag ......................... 68
Connecting the endotracheal suction system
(optional) ......................................................... 70
Connecting the breathing hoses and the filters 72
Inserting a new O
sensor capsule ................. 78
Connecting the sensors and measurement
................................................................ 79
Connecting the O
sensor ............................... 79
Connecting the pressure sensor ..................... 79
Connection of the pressure gauge for
measurement of the airway pressure (optional)
........................................................................ 80
Connecting the flow sensor ............................. 80
Connecting the APL bypass hose and
hose ............................................ 81
Fastening the manual resuscitator
.............. 82
Instructions for mounting the accessories
. 82
Trolley version ................................................. 83
Wall-mounted version and ceiling-mounted
version............................................................. 83