Error Code:
"Er EEP"
EEPROM fault
The EEPROM is defective or the stored data is corrupted.
Switch S1 up. "Ldg new" will display. Switch S1 to its original
position. This will load defaulted settings to the EEPROM. The scale
should return to normal weight display. If the scale returns to the
weighing mode, but the weight reading is incorrect, recalibrate the
scale. If the scale will not return to the weighing mode, the main board
may need to be replaced. After the scale loads the default settings,
go to the setup mode and set any parameters that have been
changed (see Section 6). If problem persists, the main board may
need to be replaced.
Error Code:
"Er RAM"
SRAM fault
Error in the static RAM memory.
Push ZERO. Software version and revision will display then the scale
will return to weigh mode. Reenter any values (Over, Under,
etc.) that have been lost.
Error Code:
"Er SF.o"
Load cell output swing too large.
Load cell is too small for selected scale capacity, load cell defective,
incorrect analog calibration, or bad main board.
Make sure load cell is the right size for the selected scale capacity.
Check the analog calibration as outlined in Section 7. If the load cell
capacity is proper and the calibration is set correctly, the load cell or
main board may need to be replaced.
Error Code:
"Er SF.u"
Load cell output swing too small
Load cell too large for selected capacity, defective load cell, incorrect
analog calibration, or trouble on main board.
Make sure that the load cell capacity is correct for the selected scale
capacity. Check the analog calibration as outlined in Section 7. If the
load cell capacity is proper and the calibration is set correctly, the
load cell or main board may need to be replaced.
Section 10 Error Codes