23. Setpoint Output Operation (S.P.O)
Setpoint output disabled, active high all the time.
Active high, no latch, all weights.
Active high, no latch, stable weights.
Active high, latched, all weights.
Active high, latched, stable weights.
Active high, pulsed for 1/16 second, all weights.
Active high, pulsed for 1/16 second, stable weights.
Active low, no latch, all weights.
Active low, no latch, stable weights.
Active low, latched, all weights.
Active low, latched, stable weights.
Active low, pulsed for 1/16 second, all weights.
Active low, pulsed for 1/16 second, stable weights.
Setpoint Output Disabled, active low all the time.
This parameter is used to the select how the setpoint outputs operate when the setpoint
has been tripped. The setpoints can be set to output active high or low when tripped, to
latch the setpoint, to activate on all weights or stable weights, or to pulse the output for
about 1/16th of a second.
When set to active high, the output will be at 5 vdc when the setpoint is tripped, and .6vdc
when the setpoint is not tripped. When set to active low, the opposite is true. When set to
latch, the setpoint output once tripped will remain tripped even if the displayed weight value
goes below the setpoint until the scale returns to within 1% of the scale capacity. If set to
non-latch, the output will be disabled every time the displayed weight goes below the
setpoint value.
When the setpoint is set for stable weights, the setpoint will only be checked if stability is
detected. This means that the setpoint status will not change unless the scale is stable. If a
setpoint is tripped, and the scale goes into motion, the setpoint will remain tripped until
stability is achieved. At that time, the setpoint will be checked and if the weight is below
the setpoint, the setpoint will then disable. If the setpoint is set for both stable and latched,
once the setpoint is latched, motion is ignored. The setpoint stays latched until the scale
returns to within zero (or within 1% of capacity).
Section 6 Parameter Setup