Each line of each of the formats is preceded by a "Start of Text" character (STX - ASCII
02). Print format 1 is the exception, it does not have a STX.
All numeric fields shown in the table (weight data, product numbers, scale IDs, and tare
values) are examples. The actual printed values depend on the displayed weight, current
product number, etc.
Weight data in lb, kg, oz, or g is six characters long, including decimal point. Leading
zeros are transmitted as spaces. In lb-oz format, the pound weight is 1 to 3 characters long
depending on the capacity, and the ounce weight is 2 to 5 characters. Product numbers
and scale ID's are 2 characters long.
Items in parentheses denote print data that depend on certain scale parameters. The
parameters and print formats are as follows:
Prints "grs" if the scale is in the gross mode, "net" if in the net mode.
Prints "OVER" if the Over indicator is on, "ACCEPT" if the Accept indicator
is on, or "UNDER" if the Under indicator is on.
Prints "KEYED" if the tare value was entered via the UP or DOWN arrows or
a space if the value was entered in the PTT mode(see Section 4).
Print format 9 is a special format for a DGH analog output module. Print format 12 is a
special format for A&D printers. Print format 13 is used to print the data in the label buffers
(see LABEL BUFFER elsewhere in this section).
Print formats 14 and 15 print the same information as formats 1 and 4, respectively, plus
an additional kg weight printout. The kg weight will print if the scale is in the lb or lb-oz
display mode, or grams if the scale is in the oz display mode.
If the data output mode is set to print continuously, each printout will be followed by one or
more of the following scale status characters: M (prints if in motion), R (prints if in digital
overload, 103% of scale capacity), G (prints if in gross overload), * (prints always in
continuous mode).
The 4200 has the ability to print out the configuration of the unit. If the PRINT push-button is
held while the unit is plugged in or the ZERO push-button is pressed (on battery units only),
the scale will print a list of parameters and the options selected for those parameters.
Release the PRINT push-button once the printing starts. Once printed, the scale will
operate as normal. A printout of all products and setpoint values can be obtained by
pressing and holding the PROD button as the unit is powered up.
Section 8 Serial Communications