When set to the "dIS" mode, the TARE button can only be used to recall the current
tare value. Press the TARE button to recall the current tare value - it is displayed as
long as TARE is pressed. Once released, the scale returns to the weigh mode.
The "dIS" mode provides a security feature to prevent the tare values from being
changed. After setting the tare values in the "SEt" or "P.t.t." modes, selecting "dIS"
mode secures the scale from changes in tare value.
The 4200 provides a user-programmable Over and Under checkweigh tolerance feature.
The three checkweigh indicators, OVER, UNDER, and ACCEPT, can be used to provide a
fast and easily understood indication of an overweight, underweight, or in-tolerance weight
condition. Checkweighing is explained in detail in Section 5.
There are 3 modes of operation for the checkweigh indicators that are menu selectable via
the "Tolerance (Over/Under) Entry Mode (toL)" parameter:
In the "SEt" mode, when OVER or UNDER is pressed, the current over or under
tolerance value is displayed, and the corresponding OVER or UNDER indicator
flashes to indicate that a tolerance weight is being displayed, not an actual scale
weight. You can press OVER or UNDER in this mode to simply recall the current
over or under tolerance setting. If no change is to be made to these settings, simply
press OVER or UNDER again to return to the weigh mode - the OVER or UNDER
indicator will then stop flashing. Or you may simply wait 6 seconds and the scale will
automatically return to the weigh mode.
To change a tolerance value, first recall it by pressing OVER or UNDER, then adjust
the displayed value using the UP and DOWN arrows. Press and hold for rapid
update - press repeatedly for slow update. When the correct value is displayed,
press OVER or UNDER again to store it as the new tolerance value. The 4200 will
display "Ent Pr" to indicate that the new value has been accepted. If you don't get
this message the old tolerance value is still in memory! After a new tolerance is
entered, press OVER or UNDER to recall it as a double check - then press OVER
or UNDER again to go back to the weigh mode.
The 4200 has 20 over and under tolerance memories (200 if option 42 OPT 27 is
installed). Refer to the PRODUCT section for further information on this important
Section 4 Scale Operation