The GROSS/NET button switches between the gross and net weight modes each time it is
pressed. The scale powers up in the gross mode. The gross and net annunciators
indicate the mode that the scale is currently in. The TARE button is active in either mode,
but the ZERO button is only active in the GROSS mode. Refer to the ZERO and TARE
function sections for details on their operation.
The 4200 has an annunciator that illuminates when the scale is /- 1/4 division of
displayed zero. This is active in either gross or net weight modes. The Center of Zero
indication is an NTEP and Canadian Weights and Measures requirement.
The 4200 has a "MOT" annunciator that illuminates when the scale is in motion. The
motion annunciator turns off when the scale is stable, which means that it is within the menu
selected Motion Aperture (MA). You may select 1, 3, or 5 divisions of motion aperture.
Over, Under, and Accept outputs are standard on the Model 4200. In addition, 7 setpoints
are available with the 42 OPT 27 option. Normally the setpoints are used with solid state
relays to drive external devices, so option 42 OPT 05 is usually also needed.
The 4200 can be set up to allow entry of these values using the UP and DOWN arrow
buttons, or actual platform weight. In addition, setpoint entry can be disabled in order to
prevent tampering or accidental erasure. See the explanations below for information on
entering setpoint values.
The value for each setpoint is accessed with the product button. In order to change a
setpoint value, the setpoint must first be selected. To do this, first press and hold the
PROD button. The display will rotate through "Prd", "SP", and "LbL". When "SP" is
displayed, release the PROD button. The right-hand part of the display will show the
number of the setpoint last changed. Press the UP or DOWN arrow buttons to display the
number of the setpoint that is to be changed.
Section 4 Scale Operation